Hello folks!
I decided to make a separate recap post for November rather than the usual bimonthly recap as December will also include my end of the year recap.
Also, during my last rundown, I mentioned that I hit a slump back in October, and well… it has worsened for November. But I suppose it only applied to reading because I watched a lot of shows last month.
So What Happened?
I finished exactly one book last November hahahahahaha! I really tried to read more but nothing seemed appealing for me! *cries*
I managed to finish Julie Murphy’s If The Shoe Fits. JM and I buddy read it and it was so cute! I started Donut Fall in Love by Jackie Lau but I dropped it midway because I lost my interest. Although, I’m planning on picking it up again once I get out of my reading slump.
I also started The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur, which is great so far but I’m reading it at a slow pace. I feel like my current obsession with historical K-dramas is the main culprit for my reading slump.
November Blog Posts
If The Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy is one of the few fairytale retellings I’ve read so far. I really enjoyed the healthy dynamics between Cindy and her family as opposed to the usual abusive household we see in the classic tale.
Julie Murphy is one of my favorite authors and as always she delivers a fabulous story that has grounded and relatable characters!
I mentioned that I watched a lot of shows this November. Would you still be surprised if I told you that they’re all K-dramas?
And because I was on a roll, I decided to spend some of my relentless K-drama energy in compiling some books to read if you love K-dramas. These are all Young Adult novels by authors in the Korean diaspora.
I’ll also make a K-drama recommendation post soon so if you’re interested, make sure to watch out!
Roll The Credits 🎞
TV Shows 📺
We’re skipping right into TV shows because I didn’t watch any movies last month.
📺 Hawkeye premiered last November 24th with back to back episodes. It’s one of my most anticipated projects because it’s heavily influenced by Matt Fraction and David Aja’s comic run which is one of my all-time favorite comic series!
📺 I started The King’s Affection on Netflix which I’m completely obsessed about! It’s about a girl who has to pretend to be her dead twin brother as the Crown Prince of Joseon. It’s currently airing with only 4 episodes left! I rarely watch K-dramas that are currently airing but this show had me hooked from the start. It also doesn’t help that the lead characters are so attractive wtf! Park Eun-bin plays the lead and she’s one of my favorite actors!
📺 Extraordinary You is kind of an off-shoot from my obsession with The King’s Affection. The male lead, Haru, is played by Rowoon, who’s also the male lead in The King’s Affection. I completely fell in love with the concept of Extraordinary You and I also posted a review of the drama last month. The main characters had such an amazing chemistry which is why I have both actors (Rowoon and Kim Hye-yoon) on my radar now!
📺 One of the most popular on-air dramas right now is Happiness. It’s an action-thriller set in the near future that deals with a deadly strain of virus. It’s very meta given we’re still in the pandemic times but it’s another show that had me hooked from the very beginning! The main leads also has excellent chemistry and their dynamics (fake marriage!!!) are super adorable! It’s also currently-airing with 12 episodes in its slate.
📺 Racket Boys will probably take the throne as my favorite K-drama of 2021! It was such a good, lighthearted show that I truly fell in love with! I also posted a review of the show last month!
📺 Another currently-airing drama I’m tuned in to is The Red Sleeve. It’s also a historical K-drama based on the story of Crown Prince Yi San and Sung Deok-im, who becomes one of his concubines. They’re actual people from Korea’s history, but I’m not sure how accurate their character’s depictions are in the show. But I’m really enjoying it because their banter is so adorable!
📺 I also started Voice, a crime procedural that features a voice profiler and a detective working together. It’s very action-packed and the story is good so far, save from some minor setbacks I have. I’m halfway through Season 1 and I’m not really on a binge so I’m just sticking to a couple of eps per day.
Having completed my Goodreads Reading Challenge early on gave me a lot of free time to watch a lot of shows! Although, I’m still aiming to read or finish at least a few more books before the year ends.
That’s about it for my November 2021 Wrap-Up!
Let’s Chat! 💬
How did your November go? Did you meet any of your goals last month?

I’m sorry you’re in a slump, but at least you had some great k-dramas to keep you company. I just finished my latest k-drama binge (One The Woman – have you seen it??) so I should watch Racket Boys! I think I watched 3 episodes of Voice and I gave up because it made me so anxious. I couldn’t bear the stress!
I’m not familiar with One The Woman but I’ll check it out! Racket Boys was sooooo good and heartwarming! I agree with you on Voice. I’m about halfway through with season 1. It’s good but the camera works really annoy me because it’s so shaky that I’m losing my focus when I watch hahaha!