It’s easy to think how time flies fast. About a year ago, I went into a blogging hiatus to focus on my career. Work has always been one of the reasons why I laid low, not entirely because I wanted to but I have no time to write anything.
I was about to go back to book blogging earlier this year but the pandemic happened to I had to prioritize other things. Reading and writing felt trivial, even if it provides a quick escape. Even though I’m doing things such as watching movies and tv shows, I couldn’t really go back to reading.

I let 2020 fly without reading a lot. I think I had finished about three books and that was it. It was a little sad to see my old reading habit gone. I picked up new habits but most are for my self-development. But that’s still a good thing right? I’m still trying to find that work-life balance. Maybe that’s why I decided to have this blog.
So I guess having this blog won’t exactly bring back that book blogging mojo, but I hope I could connect to myself more through a bunch of word vomits.
Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. There’s no harm in trying.
Like I said, time flies fast. Let’s see how this goes.